2019-2020 State Council Meeting #2

Multiple District 14 State Council Chairperson William H. Morgan has issued a call for the 2019-2020 PA State Council of Lions Clubs’ Council of Governors to convene for its second Regular Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, November 2, 2019 at the Woodlands Inn and Resort, 1073 PA-315, Wilkes-Barre, PA. State Council will also hold a Preliminary Meeting at 2:00 p.m. Friday, November 1, 2019, at the hotel.

For more details, see the following documents:

Directory Updated

The PA Counsellors Directory has been updated, including the addition of International Directory Larry Edwards to the PA International Family section. You can see the latest version on the Directory page.

May Minutes Published

The minutes of our May PA Counsellors Meeting have now been published on this site. To view the minutes, you must be a PA Counsellor and be registered as a user on this site.

To register – visit the Registration Page.

To view the minutes – visit the Minutes Page (after logging in).

Directory Updated for Lions Year 2019-2020

Welcome to a new Lions Year and to all of our new PA Counsellors. Thank you to the Council of MD-14 for 2018-2019 and all that you did to move your sub-districts and Pennsylvania forward.

Our directory has been updated to identify all of last year’s Council to the designation of PDG as appropriate. You can see the latest directory on our Directory page. As always, if you see any errors or need to make an update, please submit a request on our Directory Change Request page. If you are a PA Counsellor, but don’t yet have an account on this site, please register on the Register page.

Directory Updated

Our directory has been updated with some recent updates by our members. If you are an approved, registered member of this site, you can download the directory on our Directory page. If you are not yet a member of this site, and you are a Past District Governor of MD-14, you can become a member by registering on our Register page.

Welcome registering Counsellors

Welcome to all of our PA Counsellors who are registering for the first time. For anyone who was using the Chrome browser (or possibly others) that received a cryptic error message of “invalid nonce” when registering, we believe that this has been fixed. Should you have any issues or questions, please contact PDG Lion John Mallonee for assistance. Again, welcome to the website!

PA Lions Care for Kids

As a reminder, MD-14 has created a challenge to raise $100,000 for the Four Diamonds Fund to find a cure for Pediatric Cancer. The PA Lions have committed their support and encourage individual clubs to donate, as well as to encourage individuals in their communities to donate. The PA Lions Care for Kids has a separate website which individual districts and clubs can promote (such as through social media).

PA Counsellors Meeting Agenda

UPDATED: Note that the original time reported in this post was incorrectly stated at 8:45am. The correct time is 8:00am.

As reported in a previous post, the PA Counsellors Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 18 from 8:00 – 8:45am in the Mahogany Ballroom at the Kalahari Resort in Pocono Manor, PA. Below is a link to the agenda for the meeting – we hope to see as many Counsellors as can make it.

2019 May PA Counsellors Agenda (9954 downloads )