PA Counsellors Meeting – February 2022

The Pennsylvania Counsellors will conduct a meeting at the February Council meeting at the Wyndham Garden Inn, York, PA. The meeting will start at 8:00am on Saturday, February 5th and is scheduled for up to one hour as needed. We hope to see a good number of our PDG’s at that time.

NOTE: We will be conducting another session of packing meals for the hungry 10:00am – Noon (or until all meals are packed. Thank you in advance for being a part of this continuing service project.

2019-2020 PA Counsellors Award

Applications for the PA Counsellors Award are now being accepted. Use the link below to obtain and print a copy for completion. Instructions are included in the form below, but here is a quick description of this annual award.

 The Pennsylvania Counsellors have established an award for presentation to deserving Lions throughout Pennsylvania – The Pennsylvania Counsellors Distinguished Service Award. 

Each sub-district may present two (2) Pennsylvania Counsellors Distinguished Service Awards annually. The award is limited to one (1) recipient per club per year and a member is only allowed to receive this award once. A list of past recipients can be obtained by contacting PCC Karen Brady. The Immediate Past District Governor and Vice District Governors are not eligible within the current Lions fiscal year. 

2019-2020 PA Counsellors Award (12617 downloads )

2019-2020 State Council Meeting #2

Multiple District 14 State Council Chairperson William H. Morgan has issued a call for the 2019-2020 PA State Council of Lions Clubs’ Council of Governors to convene for its second Regular Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, November 2, 2019 at the Woodlands Inn and Resort, 1073 PA-315, Wilkes-Barre, PA. State Council will also hold a Preliminary Meeting at 2:00 p.m. Friday, November 1, 2019, at the hotel.

For more details, see the following documents: